“Meet Fairy Ellin….”
Deep in the heart of the enchanting Daintree Rainforest lies Rainbow Falls, a magical fairy village surrounded by cascading waterfalls and lush greenery. Here lives Fairy Ellin, a joyful and adventurous fairy with a heart full of love for nature and the creatures living in her rainforest.
Ellin spends her days playing with her animal friends near the waterfall, riding eucalyptus leaves with Bertina the Golden Stag Beetle, hopping across rocks with Hoppity the Waterfall Frog, and sharing sweet nectar with Ophelia the tiny Blossom Bat. But her most treasured friendship is with Tuffy, a baby cassowary she discovers while searching for luminous mushrooms to light up her village.
Beyond Ellin’s enchanting tale, young readers can dive deeper into the magic with fun activities and fascinating facts.
For those who love a challenge, keep an eye out for the Earth Quest Stones, hidden in eight of the book’s magical illustrations. Each stone represents a small action that children are encouraged to complete to help protect the planet, making a positive impact on the environment.
Join Ellin on her journey through the beautiful Daintree Rainforest, uncover the hidden stones, and complete the Earth Quest Warrior challenge!
The adventure has only just begun!